Tuesday, October 16, 2007

An Apologue to Inamorata...

An Apologue to Inamorata…

Searching the Land, she stands alone. Archetype accompanies the wind. Fear has discolored her longings. Abstract, the map of Eve’s heart.

A tender gathering; the hoarding of scarlet jewels. Mythos. Subnotes in a decorous repartee. A Southern Mother desecrated…Humankind deflowered.
She waits for Autumn rain… the Liqiu.

Jape winnows the slave from master (apprentice from the masterpiece.)
Wipe away the lacquer, for it conceals. Her mien is her bride; she comes away slowly from the duplicate.

Man’s fetish is subterfuge. Release the valor for a taste of a remedy, a quick
antidote: Anima, the certain augur.

Echomen…the ambient sounds are tears into a tide… snow upon a glacier
A Pisces Circle. From the Yellow River comes a legend. From the dragon gate comes a
guardian (Sophia).

* Dedication to Carl Jung